April 23, 2017

Helen Reddy 1974 Interview

In 1974, Helen Reddy was one of the biggest musical stars in the world. With hits such as Delta Dawn, Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress), Angie Baby and her anthem I Am Woman, Reddy was dubbed the Queen of 70s Pop and went on to have further chart success as well as success in movies (Pete's Dragon, Airport '75), television (The Helen Reddy Show, The Midnight Special) and later theatre (Bloodbrothers). This interview is from the 1974 documentary Accomplished Women - which can be seen in its entirety (featuring interviews with other notable women of the 1970s) at archive.org.

April 16, 2017

White Mama (1980)

Bette Davis is the obstinate White Mama and Ernest Harden Jr. the obstinate foster teen who take up arms in a sea of gritty New York misfortune. The 1980 television movie takes some unforeseen twists which adds to the realism and evocation of the era. Ably directed by Jackie Cooper with small yet pivotal performances by Eileen Heckart and Virginia Capers, White Mama is a wonderfully, touching addition to the canon of Bette Davis movies - and you can watch it on YouTube!